Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Wonderful Art Of Nature

Winter is not only a change in the mood of nature, but it brings change to the entire creation on this earth. Nature changes its look and feel, and so do people. Human beings appear covered in woollens, and natural elements in snow. Today, I have brought to you a collection of beautiful tree pictures. Trees wear different look in winter and this look features its own specifications. So, just explore these pictures and don’t forget to leave your opinion about them.

Begins spring astronomer at the vernal equinox (usually March 21 in the Northern Hemisphere, on 22 September in the Southern Hemisphere, and will continue until the time of summer solstice (usually June 22 in the northern hemisphere and 22 December in the southern hemisphere .) and thus, Based on this definition, be the day that indicates in some cultures to the anniversary of the birth of John the Baptist is the first day of summer. In general, known meteorologists beginning of the spring that it be on 1 March in the northern hemisphere and on 1 September in the hemisphere South). [citation needed] On the other hand, according to the teachings of the Celtic - which is based on the light of day and the afternoon sun only - start spring early February (about the celebration of [[Ambolk) |) or Holiday Kandelmas (known as the "festival clearance Virgin Mary ") and continues until early May, where it's season celebration (Beltaan. In contrast to the three chapters of the other, tends population cold regions relatively to rely on the definition astronomer fixed for the beginning of spring, though they depend on the definition of meteorology in determining the beginnings of the three chapters other.

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  1. سبحان الله ما اجمل خلق الله ,, شكرا لارا على هااذه الصور الرائعه

  2. شكرا يا اختي لارا
    كتير رائعه هاي الصور ... سبحان الله ... جمال الخالق في خلقه

  3. اشكرك على هذا التفرد باختيار الصور الجميلة والفريدة
