Tuesday, July 20, 2010

German artist seems to unhinge the laws of gravity

Johan Lorbeer is a German street performer. He became famous in the past few years because of his “Still-Life” Performances, which took place in the public area. His installations includes “Proletarian Mural” and “Tarzan”, which are famous in Germany. Several of these performances feature Lorbeer in an apparently impossible position.

With his still-life performances, this German artist seems to unhinge the laws of gravity. For hours on time, he remains, as a living work of art, in physically impossible positions. Elevated or reduced to the state of a sculpture, he interacts with the bewildered and irritated audience, whose appetite for communication rises as time goes by, often culminating in the wish to touch the artist in his superhuman, angelic appearance in order to participate in his abilities.

 ----------------- Here is the trick, His arm is the supporting bar, and his real arm is hide inside his cloth.


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  1. لو لم تقولي لي أنها خدعة لقلت أنا أنها خدعة، على كل الأحوال شكرا كتير على هذا الموضوع الشيق

  2. مذهلة جدا مشكووورة على هذا المجهود الراقي

  3. شكرا كتير و باتمنى لكم وقتا سعيدا

  4. رأيت صور من هذا القبيل .. أحدهم جالس على كرسي مخفي في مركز للتسوق .. وقتها إندهشت .. ولكن بفضلك الآن عرفت أن الموضوع فيه خدعة بصرية .. شكرا لك يا لارا

  5. شكرا لارا علي هده الصور الرائعة

  6. متشكرة جدا يا لارا على كل مواضيعك بجد بتعجنى كتير
    وعلى فكرة انا بحب اسم لارا جدا

  7. كل الكلام الى انتوا بتقولوة دة جميل بس انا شوفت بنفسى على الطبيعة شخص يطير فى الهواء بدون ما تكون خدعة بصرية و لا حاجة

  8. مشكوررررررررررررين
